A Hard Day

by Kelsey Norwood

in Food

After a hard day with the kids, I desperately needed to busy myself with something delicious. Strawberry short (actually pound) cake it was.

I was supposed to mash up the strawberries and spoon them over the cake, but it had been such a horrible day that I missed that detail in the instructions. Would have been nice, but this worked well enough.

strawberry shortcake

I’m not one to comfort myself with food. The actual cooking part is more comforting to me, at least if Boyd is home and playing outside with the kids, but when this was finished I was ready for my nightly dessert. I sat myself down on the kitchen floor (my favorite seat in the house) for a slice.


I’m so glad it’s almost summer.

(I found this recipe on Pioneer Woman. I hate to be contrary to The Pioneer Woman , whose wit and skill I very nearly idolize, but the frosting was too sweet for me and I think plain ‘ole whipped cream would have been perfect. BTW did you see those brownies she posted about today. Holy COW.)

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