Canning Chicken

by Kelsey Norwood

in Family,Food

I believe that storing a basic supply of food for a rainy day is a good idea, and so one of my goals this year is to add more home canned stuff to our food storage.
My beautiful, talented, and generous sister-in-law (she’s awesome) gave me a pressure canner for Christmas. I wanted one mostly so I could cook my pinto beans in army sized quantities and I hadn’t really considered all the possibilities of using it to can, but I’m really getting excited about all the things I can add to my home storage now! Starting with…CHICKEN!


Between these three things, I finally succeeded in canning 40 pounds of chicken. I ended up with 17 quarts and 8 pints, and it was really easy.
You have to do chicken in a pressure canner, and the “recipe” is in the instruction manual, but all you do is cut the chicken into pieces, boil until medium done, put in jars, add boiling water or broth, put lids and rings on, and process in the canner for 90 minutes.
We even ate it last week and it was delicious! We had calzones and they were sooo good – I’ll be posting my recipe next week.
What are you going to can this year?

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