Christmas Craft – Kids Candy Advent Calendar

by Kelsey Norwood

in Making Fun,Making Stuff

2 kids candy advent calendar

A little late, we finally got around to making a candy advent calendar for the kids. This is my favorite idea ever, it’s so easy and SO BEAUTIFUL too.

Here’s what you need:

1 candy advent calendar

  1. Plastic Wrap
  2. Small candy (Hershey’s Kisses work great)
  3. Curling Ribbon
  4. Christmas Scriptures or sayings (one for each day)

Cut the scriptures apart and fold them up really small.

Tear off a 4 foot long piece of plastic wrap and lay flat on a table.

Place one candy and one scripture together in the center of the plastic wrap, spaced about 2″ apart.

Twist either side of the candy/scripture and tie a ribbon. Do all the way down.

Each day, cut right below the ribbon. Read the scripture, eat the candy, and count down to Christmas!

{I found this idea at}

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