*HOME ORGANIZATION* Fix the LEGO Catastrophe!

by Kelsey Norwood

in Organization

DSC_0448I’ve tried organizing our Legos in a dozen different ways INCLUDING the insane method of keeping all the sets separated. That didn’t work.

The only thing that has worked for us is to sort Legos by color. It’s genius.

I resisted for a long time because I didn’t want all the sets mixed up! But keeping the sets separate is impossible unless no one ever touches them ever again.

We have all the instruction booklets in a bin and when the kids want to build a set they only have to sort through the color bucket to find the pieces they need. Having all the same colors together makes the hunt for a particular piece much more manageable.

Truthfully, my kids rarely want to build the sets after the initial time. They much prefer free building which they really didn’t do when we had the sets separated. Cause…I wouldn’t let them mix the pieces up! Bad mom.

So if you are like I was…give it up…mix them up…sort them by color…and end the LEGO organizing nightmare. It’ll be okay, I promise.

{We use the TROFAST shelf system from IKEA for Lego storage. It’s my favorite!}

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