Riding the subway/metro/tube is a real-life strategy game for beginners and country folks, but Metro X is a “Rail & Write” game with a subway theme that is way less stressful and just as fun! (I love traveling to big cities and riding the subway, but it takes some focus! We always have at least a few snafoos…)

Players each get a dry erase board and marker. The goal is to visit as many stations as possible and finish as many lines as quickly as possible to get the higher point values. 

Place the 15 transit cards in the middle of the playing area and designate one player to flip the top card each round. All players pick a route to play on at the same time. 

The player board map has 9 routes (A-I) and each begins with a train with 2-3 windows. Each card will tell you how to fill in spaces on the board.  

The 4 types of cards are:

  • Number Cards
  • Skip Cards
  • Transfer Cards
  • Free Space Cards

Each card indicates exactly how to mark train windows and stations off, but the goal is to visit as many stations as possible and complete as many lines as possible. 

When all the train windows are filled in, the game ends and scores are calculated! Players add up the total points from train windows and transfers and subtract points for the total number of empty stations.

The player with the most points wins!

This game is easy to play 3 or 4 times in a sitting and the player board is double sided for even more variation and replayability. Everyone plays at the same time, so it’s fast-paced and really fun for families!

Metro X is a mind-bending problem solving game, so it’s great for gameschooling math. Kids have to think in multiple ways about how to solve the problem and use logic, analysis, and spatial reasoning to meet the game objectives. 

Thanks to Gamewright for sharing with us!

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