New Hobby: Birds!

by Kelsey Norwood

in Homeschool


I used to completely ignore birds. I did not find anything interesting or valuable in watching them, knowing their names, or even noticing their existence. Can you believe that?  

A year or two ago a friend was telling me about reading and studying at her desk by the window where she could see her bird feeders. I suddenly realized how fulfilling and beautiful it would be to enjoy one of God’s beautiful creations in this deliberate way. 

That’s all it took, just a simple idea planted in my head by this friend that has changed so much in my heart, and that’s what education truly is. To borrow some of Charlotte’s words, it really isn’t how much a person knows, but how much he cares. “How large is the room in which he finds his feet set? and, therefore, how full is the life he has before him?”


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