Sprouting Wheat

by Kelsey Norwood

in Food

how to sprout wheat berries

I’ve heard that sprouted wheat is like 500 times more nutritious than actual wheat, and wheat is one of the healthiest foods on the planet, so talk about super food! I have a recipe for wheat bread using sprouted wheat as an add in and my first time sprouting was a wild success! I’m hoping I’ll have similar results with the bread…

sprouting wheat

Before you go to bed, rinse 1/3 c. wheat berries really good and let it soak in a bowl of water.

sprouting wheat

In the morning, divide the soaked wheat berries into 3 Mason jars (pint or quart) – about 1/4 c. each.

sprouting wheat

Put a layer of cheese cloth over the opening and secure with a ring. Set jars on their sides.

Each morning until the wheat sprouts, fill the jar up with water (through the cheese cloth) to cover the wheat. Swish around to rinse the wheat and dump water out. (The cheese cloth allows you to rinse and drain without losing any of your berries.)

After a few days your wheat will have sprouted and you can enjoy in bread, on sandwiches, or plain by the handful.

Wheat is either dead or alive and you’ll know it’s dead if it won’t sprout. If you buy wheat in sealed buckets, it’s most likely dead, so get some fresh wheat for sprouting.

Sprouted wheat is something I’m going to work on incorporating into our diet to get my kids’ bodies used to eating healthy food!

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