Rebel XSi Review

by Kelsey Norwood

in Reviews

Most digital SLR cameras have the same basic shape – they’re comfortable to hold with grips in the right places and feel nice and heavy and natural in your hands.

I have been a Canon customer for a long time because in addition to the comfortable physical structure of their cameras, their interface is perfect. Once you’ve owned a Canon and familiarized yourself with it, you’re set.

On the XSi model, I love how the wheel to adjust the exposure is right by the shutter button – that’s the perfect place for it in my opinion and it’s comfortable and easy to use.

I love how the screen is on the left side and the buttons are on the right, just under the power button, shutter button, and setting dial.

The menu options are intuitive and don’t require much manual reading to understand.

And if I ever want to upgrade, which I will certainly want to do, I will not have to relearn much, and I love that!

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