Board Games

If you’re in the mood for a journey of adventure full of battles against darkness, exploration of new territories, and an amazingly colorful board, intricate character pieces, and competitive/strategic gameplay, you’ve come to the right place. This version of Talisman has a Kingdom Hearts theme with familiar and well-loved characters–Goofy, King Mickey, Aqua, Terra, Milan, […]

Some of my favorite things to imagine about Hogwarts are the entrances to the different dormitories, the ceiling in the Great Hall, and the House Point Hourglasses. So…obviously Harry Potter: House Cup Competition immediately caught my eye! We are HUGE Harry Potter fans in our family, my husband has read the entire series at least […]

Have you ever thought about what kind of world you would create if you got the chance??? Oh, the possibilities… You’d have to have some kind of food chain though, right?!? Would life on your planet be perpetuated through a similar dance between small organisms and large ones?  THIS is the delicate balance players are […]

In another engaging, theatrical, and fantastical setting, HABA brings us MEDURIS, a strategy game for 2-4 players ages 10+, for a quest to settle in the base of Mount Meduris by building huts and, most importantly, making offerings to the mystical druid who travels about the foothills. Players compete to collect precious rune stones and […]

A board game with a Fantasy theme is extra special around here in my family of fantasy lovers. Iquazu, a HABA creation for 2-4 players ages 10+, tells the story of two warring tribes. The Rhujas, a threatening group of warriors are seeking the hidden gemstones of the Inox tribe. To preserve their treasure, the […]

  Space exploration is one of our favorite board game themes, and one of our favorite science topics to study. We have found a handful of favorite space themed games, most recently, SPACE PARK for 2-4 players.   The game is simple to learn, but the strategy is fun to experiment with and master! The […]

Lots of kids want a pet and they all PROMISE they’ll be the one to look after it. Before taking the plunge, maybe try out this game where players MUST care for Honga, a very needy saber-toothed tiger. Maybe the experience of making sure he’s attended to will make kids think twice about wanting a […]

I have never met anyone who doesn’t enjoy a beautiful garden of flowers, so this might be the first game ever with universal appeal. Everyone loves flowers! The theme of Umbra Via is an ancient pathway hidden within climbing vines leading to a mysterious location. Find your way through this secret garden and find the […]

Could you manage finding your way in a new place with just a map and a compass? You could do it. Kids could totally do it! Especially if they had a little practice under their belts, especially if the practice came in a play-based way that threw some challenges in their path to really test […]

Learning by doing is usually the best way to master anything new. In the case of astronomy, this isn’t possible, but there are plenty of other ways to create experiential learning of space.  Planet Voyagers, from Simply Fun, uses information gained by some of the probes that have visited space and incorporates information from data […]