*HARRY POTTER HOUSE CUP* Worker Placement | Strategy Board Game

by Kelsey Norwood

in Board Games,Games,Gameschooling,Homeschool,Language Arts,Strategy Games

Some of my favorite things to imagine about Hogwarts are the entrances to the different dormitories, the ceiling in the Great Hall, and the House Point Hourglasses. So…obviously Harry Potter: House Cup Competition immediately caught my eye!

We are HUGE Harry Potter fans in our family, my husband has read the entire series at least four times and my kids are super fans as well. We love all the Harry Potter games from USAOpoly! Here are some highlights of this latest fan-tastic game!

Each player gets all the starting stuff (level trackers, lesson cards, knowledge tokens, magic tokens, challenge card) and chooses a Common Room player board with its corresponding students:

  • Gryffindor: Harry, Hermione, Ron
  • Slytherin: Malfoy, Crabbe, Goyle
  • Ravenclaw: Padma Patil, Cho Chang, Luna Lovegood
  • Hufflepuff: Hannah Abbott, Zacharias Smith, Cedric Diggory

Two phases are completed each round, and seven rounds make up the entire game.

Phase ONE: place one of your three students per turn to gain rewards from the chosen location.

Students can go to the following locations:

  1. Professor’s Office to learn magic.
  2. Library to study and gain knowledge.
  3. Classroom to practice skills and level up.
  4. Additional Locations in rounds 2, 4, and 6 for higher level students.

Phase TWO: use the resources and levels gained by the students in Phase One to complete challenges.

Students return to their House Common Room to prepare for and complete challenges. Multiple students can work on the same challenge, some of which require knowledge and leveled up students to complete. Players earn rewards shown on the completed challenge cards. Incomplete challenges go back to your hand to be attempted on future turns.

The game ends after the seventh round, when the House Cup is consulted to determine the winner! Players earn end game points for gems in their House Hourglass, Level 7 students, and pairs of magic/knowledge tokens. The player with the most points wins!

This is a wonderful resource for Harry Potter loving children to get some practice with reading, strategizing, problem solving, and collaboration. There is some basic math required (all games are good for math practice!) and playing this game and others like it increases excitement for literature, motivation to practice reasoning skills, and interpersonal skills.

Thanks to USAOpology for sharing this magical game with us!

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