*CODENAMES PICTURES XXL* Clue-Giving, Picture-Guessing Vocabulary Building Game

by Kelsey Norwood

in Board Games,Card Games,Games,Gameschooling,Homeschool,Language Arts,Word

Codenames has a nice variety of games for word lovers.  The regular version is classic and fantastic, and we also love the pictures version!  The picture format gives younger kids and non or struggling readers a fighting chance against older opponents and can help them develop language skills in a way that might be more fun and suitable for them.  

Gameschooling aside, Codenames Pictures is just a really fun party or family game!  It’s challenging and competitive and the image cards are fantastic!  Each card combines a handful of images and ideas to give spymasters and field operatives tons of options for giving good clues and guessing correctly.  

The pictures version is played exactly the same way as the original version, which I love.  Same rules, but completely different game!  

A smaller grid is laid out, only 4 and 5 cards, and a key card is selected for spymasters’ eyes only!  

Spymasters find as many cards as possible that are related in some way, and because each picture contains so many different ideas, this is challenging but also helpful!  This version is actually more challenging th

an the word version for me because it takes a different part of my brain that I’m not as used to using!  I have some kids though, who’s language brains work a little differently who prefer it and are so good!  

When a blue or red agent card is guessed correctly, an agent card is placed over the top.  Try to avoid innocent bystanders and for sure the assassin!  

We have also used the pictures in this game for other school assignments, mostly as writing prompts.  Because the pictures are so imaginative and combine so many different ideas, they make great story starters!  

It’s also fun to pretend to be a secret agent and I am all about encouraging creativity and imaginative play!  

Each week my kids have a chart of activities to chose from, and playing word games is one of their favorite things to choose.  Codenames Pictures is their most frequently chosen game lately.  They have so much silly fun with the pictures and playing with words, it’s top-notch game schooling goodness! 

Thanks to Czech Games for sharing with us!  

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