*DRAGON MARKET* Treasure Hunting in the Bay Puzzle Game

by Kelsey Norwood

in Board Games,Early Elementary,Games,Gameschooling,Geography,History,Homeschool,Logic,Math,Strategy Games

Ocean/water themes games are always so eye-catching, don’t you think?? The vibrant blue of the water board is just stunning and so appealing, making this game one we pull out regularly to visit a tropical and exotic location in our imaginations!


Dragon Market has a great theme – it’s the royal wedding day and you need a spectacular gift to present to the Princess. You have an heir to send on a quest to gather a few rare and valuable gifts for the bride. He heads to Dragon’s Bay where he jumps from boat to boat, collecting (ahem, stealing???) valuables.

Players begin the game with a blue objective card and a colored heir playing piece, which is placed by on the pontoon in its color.

On each turn, players roll two dice. The total number of points shown on the dice indicate how many movements that player can make.

Each movement allows players to:

  1. Move a boat
  2. Turn a boat
  3. Move your heir

There are specific rules that govern movement, but once a player has collected all the treasures shown on the objective card, his heir must return to his pontoon, draw a second objective card, and gather the treasures pictured on the second card. 

The first player to collect treasures from two objective cards and return to their pontoon wins the game!

This is a great game to supplement a study of Eastern culture, geography, traditions, ceremonies, holidays, all that interesting and beautiful stuff that we love to learn about other nations and peoples. This game requires quick thinking and helps players develop spatial reasoning skills. Players have to visually manipulate the boats before physically doing it to determine the most efficient path from A to B to collect all the treasures.

We love this quick, fun, easy family game. Thanks to Blue Orange for sharing with us!

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