by Kelsey Norwood

in Gameschooling,Homeschool,Science

At our last visit to a National Park (The Redwoods in California) I noticed a whole bunch of Jr. Rangerland games in the Visitor’s Center gift shop! Next time you’re there and see these beautiful games and are tempted to pick one up, just do it! 

We have several Jr. Rangerland nature card games and they are favorites of my younger kids. The cards are so colorful and game play is easy to learn but interactive and so fun, my kids choose this game to play over and over again. 

Our family absolutely loves nature themed memory and matching games and Moth & Butterfly Blitz is a beautiful matching type memory game. Players roll a die and get to take cards, trade cards, or skip a turn based on the number rolled.

They collect random butterfly cards and the winner is the first to complete a butterfly. 

The completed butterflies are so pretty to look at and each card has a tidbit of information about that moth or butterfly at the bottom. The matches are color coded so even non readers can enjoy this game!

We study insects, moths, butterflies, and caterpillars at least once a year in a unit study as part of our homeschool work, and this game is perfect to pull out for a unit like that. Anytime I can use a game to support a unit study, I do it! Games make the subject more fun and interesting and they motivate kids to pay attention and WANT to know more. Games like this one are my best secret homeschooling weapon! 

The box says this game is for 4+ and I think that’s just right. My 6 year old who is new to reading has really enjoyed playing this game and practicing reading the cards. Playing games has helped him to learn to read so much faster than any of my other kids! 

Moth & Butterfly Blitz is fun for the preschool age crowd, but my bigger boys really enjoy playing too. It’s a great family game night choice or to use for gameschooling during the school day. 

We love this game and if you love nature and memory/matching games, you’ll love it too! Thanks so much to Jr. Rangerland for sharing it with us!

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