*PICTOMANIA* Drawing/Word Game

by Kelsey Norwood

in Card Games,Games,Gameschooling,Language Arts,Word

Teaching my kids how to draw (or at least giving them opportunities to learn and practice) is VERY important to me, probably because I did not learn to draw as a kid and I thought I just couldn’t do it. As an adult, I have lamented this lack of skill, and so I am going to make sure my kids have at least an opportunity to learn.

Like anything, teaching a skill is more fun through a game, and Pictomania is a perfect game to practice imaginative drawing

There are 4 levels of difficulty so everyone can play! 

Players are assigned a color and get a deck of guessing cards, scoring tokens, and a pencil in that color. 

Three word cards are chosen and placed in a rack and then each player is secretly given a BLACK number and letter card to tell them which word to draw. The black cards only have one of each number, so two players might draw a word from the same card, but never the same exact word. 

As soon as a player finishes his drawing, he uses his guessing deck to guess which words the other players drew by placing the number card that matches the position of the word on the word card face down in front of the other players’ drawings. Confused??? It sounds complicated, but it’s not!

Points are awarded for each picture you GUESSED correctly. If other players incorrectly guess your picture, you keep your scoring tokens and they count against you, so each player wants to create the best drawing possible!

The player with the most points at the end of several rounds wins!

We have really enjoyed playing this game just for fun AND to for drawing practice. It’s a wonderful social, fast-paced game that the whole family will love!

Thanks to Czech Games for sharing with us!

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