Random Christmas Ramblings by Kendra

by Kelsey Norwood

in Guest Blogger

by guest Kendra write, author of The Things I Love

Random Christmas Ramblings by Kendra

Christmas can definitely make you feel a bit overwhelmed.  Maybe it’s not the actual Christmas holiday, but the whole month of December.  I personally have felt overwhelmed with a few things lately….


Finances – It’s not that money isn’t there, it’s just that I wish I could have prepared better.  Dave Ramsey clip_image002says we should start preparing for Christmas in January.  This is so smart.  He has a joke where he says “Oh dang I didn’t know Christmas was in December this year!”  I always think of that when I feel rushed getting stuff done. I will for sure start in January putting money aside so that by December I am done shopping and Christmas cards are mailed, and I can relax.


Presents– I am the type of person that wants to get everyone the right gift, the perfect gift.  I get this trait from my mother.  I also want to make sure everything is fair.  Like mentioned earlier I didn’t prepare very well for Chrismtas this year and have left all the shopping pretty last minute. This year we are doing three gifts per kid, and I am excited, but I did stress over it a bit to much making sure it was fair and even for each child. I stress out about what to get my husband because all he wants, we can’t afford.  Like a house and motorcycle…ha!  Shopping for parents is always hard, but we have a good system down with my family where we combine all our money and get them a big gift.  I am in charge next year and am going to start in January getting ideas of what to get them.

What I have learned from this year is… PREPARE EARLY!!  Just sayin’!

<p><b>Random Christmas Ramblings by Kendra</b></p>

<p>Christmas can definitely make you feel a bit overwhelmed.&#160; Maybe it’s not the actual Christmas holiday, but the whole month of December.&#160; I personally have felt overwhelmed with a few things lately….</p>

<p><a href=”http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_vsVYHm0RxLM/TQmUHab_E-I/AAAAAAAAGvw/nu4OdvSB4Gw/s1600/mystic-zodiac-signs-and-mystic-money-saving-tips.jpg“>

<img style=”border-bottom: 0px; border-left: 0px; display: block; float: none; margin-left: auto; border-top: 0px; margin-right: auto; border-right: 0px” title=”clip_image001″ border=”0″ alt=”clip_image001″ src=”$clip_image001[4]-0.jpg” width=”223″ height=”278″ /></a></p>

<p><b>Finances</b> – It’s not that money isn’t there, it’s just that I wish I could have prepared better.&#160; <a href=”http://www.amazon.com/Total-Money-Makeover-Financial-Fitness/dp/159555078X?ie=UTF8&amp;tag=ththilo06-20&amp;link_code=btl&amp;camp=213689&amp;creative=392969“>Dave Ramsey </a><a href=”$clip_image002[3].gif”><img style=”border-bottom: 0px; border-left: 0px; display: inline; border-top: 0px; border-right: 0px” title=”clip_image002″ border=”0″ alt=”clip_image002″ src=”$clip_image002_thumb.gif” width=”1″ height=”1″ /></a>says we should start preparing for Christmas in January.&#160; This is so smart.&#160; He has a joke where he says &quot;Oh dang I didn’t know Christmas was in December this year!&quot;&#160; I always think of that when I feel rushed getting stuff done. I will for sure start in January putting money aside so that by December I am done shopping and Christmas cards are mailed, and I can relax. </p>

<p><a href=”http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_vsVYHm0RxLM/TQmUh0oBouI/AAAAAAAAGv8/KeLOiQwOvMc/s1600/images-1.jpeg“><img style=”border-bottom: 0px; border-left: 0px; display: block; float: none; margin-left: auto; border-top: 0px; margin-right: auto; border-right: 0px” title=”clip_image003″ border=”0″ alt=”clip_image003″ src=”$clip_image003[3].jpg” width=”204″ height=”189″ /></a></p>

<p><b>Presents</b>- I am the type of person that wants to get everyone the right gift, the perfect gift.&#160; I get this trait from my mother.&#160; I also want to make sure everything is fair.&#160; Like mentioned earlier I didn’t prepare very well for Chrismtas this year and have left all the shopping pretty last minute. This year we are doing three gifts per kid, and I am excited, but I did stress over it a bit to much making sure it was fair and even for each child. I stress out about what to get my husband because all he wants, we can’t afford.&#160; Like a house and motorcycle…ha!&#160; Shopping for parents is always hard, but we have a good system down with my family where we combine all our money and get them a big gift.&#160; I am in charge next year and am going to start in January getting ideas of what to get them.</p>

<p>What I have learned from this year is… PREPARE EARLY!!&#160; Just sayin’!</p>

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