charlotte mason

I used to completely ignore birds. I did not find anything interesting or valuable in watching them, knowing their names, or even noticing their existence. Can you believe that?   A year or two ago a friend was telling me about reading and studying at her desk by the window where she could see her bird feeders. […]

Twaddle – – the highly debated, variously defined, fascinating word used to describe material that talks down to a child and/or does not feed their intellectual appetite or imagination.  From Volume 1, Charlotte says, “Even for their earliest reading lessons, it is unnecessary to put twaddle into the hands of children. That children like feeble […]

Paper clutter drives me crazy, which is probably why I eventually settled on a homeschooling philosophy that doesn’t require a lot of paper. We use worksheets and pre-fabricated lesson material as little as possible, but for those few subjects, a spiral binding machine is my best best friend.  I spiral bind all our math worksheets (for […]

Our family is studying the 20th Century this year for our modern history stream, and finding modern living books has been hard! Well…harder than finding books for preceding time periods. Not to worry, I have risen to the challenge with my obsessive ways. Good thing I LOVE thrift shopping, locally and online. A little too much perhaps…  […]

This year was a big year for me in my homeschooling “journey”. I firmly committed to a Charlotte Mason style education the summer before school started (I think August maybe of 2017, when I started listening to the ADE podcast) and it has been so so so great and I am really excited for the […]