sewing tutorial

My craft room is in my basement where there is none natural light, so some of the photos are poor, but they’ll at least help to clarify the instructions! My newest acquired skill and hobby is knitting. I LOVE IT. So relaxing…And since I can’t have my knitting needles strewn about, a case was in […]

After almost 6 years of being the master of my own kitchen (and dishes, unfortunately) I have discovered that my favorite dishwashing “tool” is a very small dish cloth. Sponges are gross, those plastic scrubber things fall apart, and regular sized dish cloths are too big. I had some terry cloth scraps so I cut […]

Pin It My little Gussie is a champion spitter/drooler. At 4 months he still spits up a ton and so I finally got tired if him smelling sour all the time and made him some flannel bibs. (I hate cloth bibs for eating – they just get stained so we use the plastic ones. For […]

This is one project on my Baby To-Do list that I haven’t gotten to yet, so I can’t give you my own tutorial. Basically, I’m waiting to find fabric cheap enough to make it worth my while…or fabric I like enough to pay more for. {photo from JCarolineCreative} My two favorite tutorials come from J […]

I love to have plenty of extra blankets, and fleece is so inexpensive (on Black Friday especially) that making your own is really the way to go. To give your handmade fleece blankets a more finished, store-bought, colorful look, finish the raw edges with bias tape. You can make the border as wide or narrow […]

Pin It A fabric birthday banner is an easy decoration that makes any birthday party feel more special. This birthday banner is easy – it took me only a few hours from start to finish, and I am thrilled with how it turned out. I think I’ll be making banners for all the major holidays! […]