Be Yourself

by Kelsey Norwood

in Randomness

best of efy

I am a youth leader in my church for young women ages 14 and 15. Last Saturday we went to a conference called “Best of Especially for Youth” to listen to three youth motivational speakers. The first speaker talked about learning to be yourself, which is a challenge among people of all ages, not just teenagers.

I know I often look at women I know and think, “I wish I were more like her, she’s always so put together and looks great and seems so content and happy with her life.” As I’ve gotten more into blogging I’ve found myself wishing that my blog was as original and captivating as others I’ve seen. It can be hard not to want to be like others when there are so many amazing and talented women out there!

One of the speakers suggested that in trying to be like someone else you can only ever be second best. Well, when you put it that way!!! Like most people, I don’t really like being second best. I think I will put more effort into being number one!

[photo from]

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