*BUGS’N’SLUGS* Elementary Science Trivia Game

by Kelsey Norwood

in Board Games,Gameschooling,Science

Games are my favorite way to add some fun and curiosity to a science unit, and Bugs’N’Slugs is a really fun, active, and super educational board game for elementary science.

Each player chooses a bug as their player’s token, begins on the starting square and rolls the die to travel around the board, answering questions and doing silly activities. 

The cards are full of interesting multiple choice and true/false questions. Young elementary kids can be successful with just the knowledge they’ve picked up from reading books and observing insects in nature and an educated guess. 

Some questions from the game:

  • What is probably the most useful insect in the world?
  • How long can bedbugs live without a hearty lunch of blood?
  • True or False? An earwig has a tongue long enough to reach around its body?

The activity cards are a great way to keep busy kids moving and engaged. When a player lands on an activity space, he draws and card and does something like

  • Pretend you are a dragonfly. 
  • Pretend you have butterflies in your stomach. 
  • Bugs and insects have an even number of legs, but imagine you only had one – hope around on one leg for 30 seconds.

This is also a great game for reading practice, especially for kids who might not be eager to read…a game is a great way to get in some extra reading that kids will WANT to do! 

My kids ask to play this game every week for science – they love quizzing each other, doing silly activities, moving around the board, and laughing and having fun together, all while learning about bugs and slugs!

Thanks to Outset Media for another great science game!

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