Gameschool Game Fun *Make’N’Break*

by Kelsey Norwood

in Games,Homeschool

If you’re new here, you might not know that I have 6 sons between the ages of 13 and 4. It’s a lot of boys, a lot of energy, a lot of noise!

We are a homeschool family and love everything about homeschooling, especially the freedom it gives us to include everything we love in our school. Gameschooling is one of the best ways we keep everyone happy and have lots of fun while learning about everything under the sun. 

My youngest two are 4 year old twins, and they are slightly destructive, highly inventive, and very busy. It’s been hard to find games that can’t be destroyed by them AND hold their attention, and Make N Break is one of the best ones we’ve found. The wooden pieces are indestructible, beautifully painted, and dent/snap resistant.

It’s Gameschool Preschool for them with practice recognizing colors, following instructions, visual perception, turn taking, and counting.

They set the timer, choose a card, build the structure, break it, and take another card as many times as they can before timer buzzes, and then they add up how many cards they got.  There are 3 different card levels so all my boys can find a level to challenge them.

This game has gotten a lot of table time with all my kids, but especially my young ones. It’s great for practicing a variety of skills and awesome for boys who love to build and break!

{I received this game free of charge to facilitate this review, but all opinions are honest and my own.}

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