Mobi Math Game

by Kelsey Norwood

in Games,Homeschool,Reviews

Finding ways to make practicing math facts fun is the best thing I’ve been able to do for my kids’ math education. Playing games using math makes it relevant, puts it into context, and encourages kids to WANT to get good at it. Kids want to excel and improve and do well, sometimes we just have to think of unconventional ways to help them get there.

Mobi Math is a simple game, but it requires kids to think forwards and backwards and all around arithmetic to make connections and a cohesive, functioning whole. This is the goal of math in real life! 

Players race to use all their tiles to be the first one to grab more. Once one person grabs more, everyone has to grab more, and on and on until the tiles are gone and all players have created a crazy math puzzle. They can use addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division to fit all their numbers together. 

It’s a simple game but actually pretty challenging. You really have to be a creative problem solver (another real life math skill!) to win. It’s excellent practice and does not feel like math at all, just good competitive brotherly fun. 

After all the tile are gone, check each other’s grids to make sure there are no mistakes. This is almost the best part of the game. Each kid WANTS to catch their opponent in a mistake, so they check very thoroughly, another excellent math skill. Checking and re-checking answers is the key to math success!

We’ve had a lot of fun with this game this summer, all the while keeping up our math facts over the break. They’re continuing to improve and retain their math knowledge and they don’t even know it…. :) 

{I received this game to facilitate this review.}

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