Play on a Swing Set…Seriously

by Kelsey Norwood

in Family Fun,Health


If you haven’t been on a swing set in a while, take your kids to the park and hop on a swing. Doing things you used to do as a kid is a very happy thing. I think 5 minutes on a swing every day would help me be a better mother with more patience and understanding. Maybe I’ll make it a goal…

Seriously, I think swinging or engaging in other forms of carefree kid fun should be part of the food pyramid – or healthy life pyramid. Whatever. We have so much stress in our lives, we need to chill out for a few minutes each day and really let the wind mess up our hair!!! Besides, it’s good for kids to see their parents having fun and being happy.

So I’m serious!!! Walk to the nearest park as soon as possible and play on the swings. You’ll be happy you did!

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