What I Want For Mother’s Day

by Kelsey Norwood

in Celebrations, Routines, & Traditions

mothers day card

Mother’s Day is in 2 days!!! I know what I’m getting my mother – some new bobbins for her sewing machine. She’s so used to having only a couple that she would never buy herself more, but I know she will use them.

Now for what I want. I never know – I am the most fickle person when it comes to gift giving holidays. I want my husband to do something thoughtful but I also don’t want him to spend money. I feel like we need to save every penny!

Here are some ideas I’ve had recently of things that I and many other mothers would probably really appreciate:

  • A genuine date. No kids, planned by my husband in advance.
  • A day/night to myself to do whatever I want with no interruptions.
  • Some cheesecake.
  • A family picture.
  • To be recited memorized poetry by my husband (and son, when he can talk).
  • A promise that my husband will make the bed every morning for three weeks. (By then, it should have become a habit…hehe.)

I think those are some pretty good gifts to give or receive.  And I also think Mother’s Day should happen about once a month.  Mothers deserve at least one day a month to spend some time doing something completely for herself.

Happy Mother’s Day to all you hard working Moms out there.

    [photo from stamping.thefuntimesguide.com]

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