What’s Your Ecological Footprint?

by Kelsey Norwood

in Education, Media, & Literacy

recycle symbol

While I am concerned about the environment, I would not call myself an environmentalist. I believe that the resources on the earth are meant for our use, but that we must be conservative and wise in our consumption. As in all things, moderation is the key.

I do consider myself to be a resourceful and frugal person. I recycle, turn off water and lights when they are not being used, and use fabric bags instead of plastic as often as I can. I think it’s very important to use wisely the resources that we have, and that as parents, we must teach our children this same frugal lifestyle.

Lately I have become much more aware of how much plastic we use! Everything is so heavily packaged and grocery stores use so many plastic bags. I think we all need to stop using plastic grocery bags and use fabric ones instead. I’m working on making the transition!

I made a fabric bag after seeing some at a local art bazaar and I have plans to make more in varying sizes to use as grocery bags, library book bags, etc. I hate having to use a plastic bag for each piece of produce I buy at the grocery store as well. Produce sacks do need to be see-through for the cashier to ring up, so I would suggest using a mesh lingerie bag.

I recently read a post about personal energy consumption on a blog called Love Learn Serve. She had a link to a quiz that asks a series of questions and then tells you your ecological footprint, or how much energy you use relative to the estimated amount available.

As I said, I’m not an environmentalist by any means and I have my own opinions about energy and how much is out there, but the quiz was interesting, nonetheless. My total footprint was 16, so I’m doing okay but there is room for improvement. I’ll start by consuming less plastic and creating less waste. Take the quiz and come back and share your thoughts.

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