*CONTINENT RACE* Geography Game

by Kelsey Norwood

in Games,Gameschooling,Homeschool,Reviews,Uncategorized

Age: 7+ 
Players: 2+
Playing Time: 30 Minutes
Category: Card
Gameschool Area: Geography
Price: $35
Publisher: Byron’s Games


We love card games and we love geography, so Continent Race has been a big hit at our house. 

The game was created by a little boy during an extended hospital stay – talk about resiliency, strength, creativity, and positivity! This game deserves a spot on your shelf just to support the darling boy who created it!

Not only does it have an amazing origin story, it’s a legitimately fun game to play while learning all about countries, continents, and flags. 

This is an easy game to use as a foundation for a unit study about a particular country or continent and I love to pull other resources we already have in alongside our game play. We checked out our Lonely Planet Animal Atlas to get a quick overview about the kinds of animals found on each of the continents and pulled out our favorite Schleich figures for my little ones. 

Learning happens best when all the senses are engaged. Kids can connect with the information and knowledge on multiple levels or whichever way speaks to them best.

But back to the game!

This is a card game. There is so much cool stuff in the box, it took me a minute to figure out how to use everything, but it really is simple to learn after a quick read through of the instructions.

The game comes with color coded country cards. Each continent has a color. There’s also a set of orange cards which are mystery cards – you have to figure out which continent they belong to.

There is a game board and large, 2-sided continent cards to use as references. 

Players take turns drawing and playing cards by laying them down in sets. The first player to lay down 4 cards from each of 3 different continents wins! 

We make sure we find the countries on the map every time a player lays down cards, and sometimes it takes us a good minute to find them! We’re getting faster though, and that’s the whole beautiful point. 

This game can be played competitively or collaboratively and is great resource and tool for learning geography! 

We’re well on our way to being ready to enter the Geography Bee in the spring, something I’ve always wanted my kids to do! 

{Thanks to Byron’s Games for sending us this game to facilitate our review. We love it!}

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