Another Christmas Idea…

by Kelsey Norwood

in Reviews,Stuff I Love

So as much as I love scrapbooking, I just really don’t have time to do it. I’ve discovered that I can only do one or two things at a time – I can either blog or exercise or scrapbook or have a clean house. (I exercised for the first time yesterday in a looong time. I attribute this to my decision to blog a little less…)

So yesterday I was talking to my good friend, (and blog designer) Jeri, and she said that blogging is her scrapbooking and she just gets it printed at the end of every year.

blurb blog book

She told me about Blurb, a place where you can get pretty much anything printed, including blogs. You choose the size and format of the book, the type of cover, format your pictures and text how you want it, and they send you a book! I think this is a great idea for a Christmas present/tradition. With a blog, you can tell more of the story of your family and pictures than with scrapbooking, I think, and it’s just so much easier and more convenient for busy moms.

And I just decided that I’m going to do our wedding book with Blurb. We’ve been married over 4 years and still no wedding book…click here to see examples of all the different types of books you could potentially do.

I can’t wait to look through my Blurb book on Christmas morning!

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