*SCRABBLE* Classic Word Game

by Kelsey Norwood

in Games,Gameschooling,Homeschool,Reviews

Age: 10+
Players: 2-4
Playing Time: 90 minutes
Category: Words
Gameschool Area: Language Arts
Price: $17
Publisher: Winning Moves Games

Well, it doesn’t get more classic fabulous than Scrabble, and even though it’s a game that’s been around forever, it’s one of THE BEST word games there is. It’s been around forever for good reason!

I remember my mom and Grandma playing loooooong Scrabble games, and the length of the game was always really unappealing to me, so the truth is that I had NEVER played a game of Scrabble until this year! 

Scrabble blood runs in my veins, and I am just now starting to embrace it. Our first ever game together was full of laughs, dictionary checks, and creative word attempts. We have had lots of good fun in recent months enjoying playing with words in this way.

We definitely have a lot to learn before we become true Word Masters like my mom and Grandma, but the most important thing is that my kids have really enjoyed thinking and talking about words because of this game. It has made them pay attention to unique words they read, especially words that use certain uncommon letters! They are paying attention to words in a new way, and it’s opening up a whole new world to them. That’s what is so amazing about Gameschooling!

In this particular game, we had a hard time breaking over into the left side of the board! We learned that it’s good to try to expand more evenly from the very beginning.

I honestly had a little bit of hesitation when it came to Scrabble for some reason. But now that we’ve started, my mom and Grandma are going to have some new players to contend with. I think we just might be able to hold our own…

If you love word games and don’t already love Scrabble, try it! We think you’ll love this classic! 

{Thanks to Winning Moves Games for sending us this game to facilitate this review. We love it!}

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